Motivational Talk by Jaya Kishori ji (18th Sept 2023)

In reaffirming the timeless adage that “Half of her Beauty is her Brain,” JAYA KISHORI JI once again graced the spotlight. Her magnetic charm and unwavering devotion have drawn countless followers from around the globe. Her engagement with both students and faculty members at the College of Engineering Roorkee was a profound privilege. On the evening of September 18th, under the grand roof of Vardhman Auditorium, she brought enlightenment and enrichment. With her deep devotion to spirituality and devotional music, she has earned the title of ‘MEERA OF THE MODERN WORLD.

The Warm Welcome:

The news of Jaya Kishori Ji’s imminent visit to our university spread like wildfire, igniting a fervent buzz of excitement and anticipation among students and faculty alike. Her reputation as a spiritual luminary, renowned for her ability to forge profound connections with people, left everyone eagerly awaiting her presence. Finally, the day arrived, and the university’s campus buzzed with enthusiasm. The palpable anticipation among the audience was a testament to their eagerness to welcome Jaya Kishori Ji. Thousands of students congregated in tribute to her, eager to catch a glimpse of her charismatic, motivating, and inspiring personality.

Impact on the Campus:

Jaya Kishori Ji, with her magnetic personality, left an enduring impact on students and faculty members alike. She reinforced the importance of self-control, positive thinking, and a profound spiritual connection with oneself.

She emphasized the significance of effective listening skills in nurturing one’s inner strength.  During her interaction with the audience, students and faculty members found answers to the questions that had been lingering in their minds.

Targeting the student audience, Jaya Kishori Ji made sure they grasped the true essence of success, the value of genuine friendships, and how to manage anger as young individuals. She pointed out that today’s generation possesses immense passion and energy but often lacks patience. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of never disobeying parents under any circumstances.


Jaya Kishori Ji’s visit to the College of Engineering Roorkee was an unforgettable experience that left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the entire university community. Her enlightening discourse, soul-stirring bhajans, and personal interactions touched the very core of our spiritual beings. Her presence served as a powerful reminder of the importance of spirituality, devotion, and their positive influence in our lives. Her teachings continue to inspire us to lead more meaningful and purposeful lives.

As we reflect on her visit, we are reminded that true spiritual leaders are not only those who speak eloquently but also those who embody their teachings. Jaya Kishori Ji’s visit was profoundly enriching for every member of the audience who had the privilege of witnessing her heartfelt presence. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to have hosted her at our university, and her visit will remain etched in our memories as a perpetual source of inspiration. RADHE RADHE.

In conclusion, she treated the audience to one of her renowned songs: “Kishori Kuch Aisa intezam hojaye, Zubaan pe Radha Radha Radha naam hojaye.”

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